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Taking up a DIY glass replacement project for old windows

Now, the one fact that we need to acknowledge is that not all of us are in the position to glass repaircontinually take on the services of  glass repair Sydney companies. Their services come at a cost, and not everyone is in the position to afford them. However, the good thing is that you can take up just about any glass replacement task as a DIY project. For instance, if you have old windows at home, you can replace their glass all by yourself rather easily! Here’s how you need to go about it:

Getting started

In order to get started with your DIY glass repair Sydney project, begin with placing the old window sash over the surface that you plan to work on. Make sure that its glazing putt is facing up. For those who don’t know, this is basically the wooden window frame by which the glass is tightly held.

Now, scrape out the glazing putty from around the glass. Remember, the edges of the putty need to be worked along rather carefully till the time that you are in the position to use the putty knife to remove it. The next thing that you need to do is that of prying out the glazier’s point from around the glass perimeter. For this, you would need to make use of the tip of a flat heat screwdriver. The edge of the wood would need to be used around the glass as leverage so that the points can be pushed out of the wood.

Next, apply even pressure over the back side of the glass. This is going to help you in removing it. Now check the point where the glass is resting and brush the wood around it using a wire brush. This is going to help get rid of loose debris. Use a piece of sandpaper to sand around the wood. Grasp a beak of caulk and apply it around the wood where the glass is going to rest. Place the glass replacement into the window sash and press down firmly over the glass to make sure that it is properly in place. You’re done!

If you wish to take up the services of a glass repair Sydney firm, come to Instant Glass Repairs now!


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