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Toilet Seat Covers: To Use Or Not To Use?

The popular belief all around the world is that toilet seats usually transmit sexual and toiletgastrointestinal infections. It is therefore not strange to find toilet seat covers in most public toilets. But are the covers really effective in preventing you from contacting diseases or is it all just psychological?

A professor at the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre states that toilet seat covers actually do little to prevent diseases and mostly just provide comfort to the users. The professor goes ahead to explain that toilet seats are not necessarily a tool for spreading illnesses. More research into the subject reveals that it is almost impossible to catch an STD from a toilet seat as you have to immediately seat on the exact same spot where the virus was deposited. The chances of infections are only high if the carrier of the virus had an open wound and the next user of the toilet seat also had a fresh wound.

Most medical experts and researchers recommend that you keep the toilet seat clean along with relying on toilet seat covers. However, toilet seat covers may still be useful in the following situations;

  • Where one is allergic to wooden toilet seats as a result of vanish, lacquers and paints that could lead to dermatitis on the posterior thighs and the buttocks.
  • When the toilet seats are wet or stained. This gives you the mental satisfaction that you are protected especially for the ladies and prevents you from hovering over the seats which is uncomfortable and could lead to spills.

Nevertheless, it is still upon you to decide on whether you should use the toilet seat covers or not. These information just sheds light on some information about the item that you may have heard wrong. Practise simple hygiene measures like washing your hands after touching the toilet bowl before touching yourself and flushing the toilet after you rise from the seat to ensure you are safe. For more details, get in touch with Max Care and Toilet Seat Cover now!

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